We Sing, We Work, and We Play


7:30 AM - Arrival

Children select table activities such as coloring, manipulatives, fine motor activities, puzzles, stencils, books, animals, etc.

9:15 AM - Circle Time

Teachers bring groups together for morning songs, calendar, weather, flash cards and a discussion of the day’s activities.

9:30 AM - Academics & Sensory

Children alternate between teacher instructed writing including name, number, letter and learning papers and a variety of sensory tables such as sand, water, mud, shaving cream, jello, beans, stones, macaroni, wet noodles, oatmeal, gak, goop, hay, snow, etc.

10:15AM - Art

Easel, finger, sponge, marble art, car art, golf balls, stencil or brush painting with tempera paint, washable paint, water colors, markers, crayons, bingo dobbers, etc.

10:30AM - Outdoor Time

Children engage in large motor play with friends.

11:00AM - Music & Story

Sing-along’s, kiddy aerobics, instruments, parachute, musical chairs, finger plays. Weekly curriculum themed stories.

11:25AM - Lunch

Teachers assist children as needed with lunch and snacks.

12:00PM - Outdoor Time

Weather permitting outside or free play inside.

12:30PM - DISMISSAL (Peabody)

Clean up and half day children prepare to go home.

12:30PM - Teacher Directed Activity

Flash cards, I spy, thinking games, etc.

12:45PM - Prepare for Rest Time

Put out mats, sheets and use bathroom.

2:15PM - Clean-up

Put away mats, use bathroom, wash up and snack time.

3:00PM - Self-Selected Activities

Lego’s, blocks, dress-up, computer, etc.

3:30PM - Outdoor Time

Slides, games, relay races, kick ball, soccer, etc.

4:00PM - Teacher Directed Activities

Stories, dancing, lacing, flash cards, matching, memory and thinking games, patterns, bubbles, etc.

4:30PM - Sensory Table

Sand, water, mud, macaroni, shaving cream, etc.

5:00PM - Table Toys

Puzzles, manipulatives, blocks, board games, etc.

5:15PM - Story

Children selected stories.